Importance of good mental health

Physical health is something that many of us understand is important to our well-being. We make sure that we are taking care of it, we make time for regular checkups, try to exercise, exercise. A more visually focused image has also been created in the media around us where a person's external appearance is given more weight.

However, problems in mental health are facing a prolonged stigma. This means that when someone is undergoing depression or just having a particularly poor mental health day, the choice to suffer in silence is normalized according to our social context.

When it comes to mental health concerns, in the case of physical illness our general support systems are shown to be just like our care and sensitivity. It makes sense for someone to begin to seek help and to talk about the problems they are facing is an act that requires courage.

Slowly but surely, stories of openly talking about mental health struggles in the media are beginning to affect a much needed change and it is time we started this conversation in our daily lives as well.

What is good mental health?

Good mental health does not always mean depression, stress, absence of anxiety. It also does not mean that someone with good mental health does not have to face problems, disappointments and losses. The ability to process difficult emotions and get back on one's feet after a difficult situation is often a good indication of whether a person's mental health status is good or not. The ability to cope with a situation that causes emotional pain, sadness, feelings of deep loss, headspace needs to process these different emotions and then added flexibility to return to things with a fresh start goes.

With the right kind of environment, support systems and support, it is possible for us to recognize and develop our personal strengths that allow us to face crisis and feel better after some time has passed.

Physical and mental health

The interesting thing about the fact that physical health is given a much greater importance in our world than mental health is that they are both intimately connected. Major changes in one will manifest in the other and vice versa.

Regular exercise helps keep the stress hormone cortisol at bay and improves various underlying symptoms of poor mental health: for example anxiety, stress, panic attacks. On the other hand, someone experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder must suffer in many different ways, starting from physical muscle pain to high blood pressure.

Take good care of one's mental health

Self-care involves various different things, all of which affect how we feel about ourselves, our friendships and relationships, our work and studies, how we think when we get up So how do we handle a problem.

Eating well-balanced meals on time, we need hours of sleep, exercising regularly, spending time with people who make us feel good about ourselves are some of the important ways in which we can improve our health. Can take care of

However, we are trying to do different things to make ourselves feel better and it is not helpful, it is encouraged that you seek professional help that will give you the guidance you need to lead a healthy lifestyle The tool will provide where you can feel good about yourself and appreciate the many good things in life.